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What is brand consulting? Does your tech startup need it?

September 23, 2024
Aenakshee Roy
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Anshuman Agrawal
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Amrutash Misra
Amrit Vatsa

Tech Founders' Guide: When and How to Choose a Brand Consultant for Your Startup?

Discover when your tech startup needs brand consulting and how to choose the right consultant. Learn about the benefits, potential drawbacks, and key factors to consider for effective startup branding.

I. Introduction

What is brand consulting? 

Brand consulting for tech startups is a specialized service that helps young technology companies establish, develop, and maintain a strong brand identity in a rapidly evolving market. While many tech founders may initially resist brand work, believing that their sales process is purely logical, Amrutash Misra, the co-founder of CoreVoice, highlights the importance of brand value in both B2B and B2C tech sales.

As Misra points out, 


In the world of tech startups, there's a common misconception that sales processes are purely logical, especially in B2B scenarios. Many believe that decisions are made solely based on specifications, price, and technical merit. However, the reality is far more nuanced, with brand value playing a crucial, often underestimated role.

Trust and Reliability, while critical, are not easily quantifiable. They form the core of a company's brand value. The importance of brand value can differ based on the startup's focus (B2B, B2C, or even Business to Government). Pure objectivity in sales is just an illusion. 

II.What is Brand consulting for Tech Startups?

Brand consulting involves a comprehensive approach to developing a brand strategy that resonates with target audiences. It encompasses various services, including research and insights, strategy development, brand identity creation, messaging, and positioning. Consultants work closely with startups to understand their unique value propositions, market dynamics, and customer needs.

Research and Insights

The foundation of effective brand consulting lies in thorough research and insights. Consultants analyse market trends, consumer behaviour, and competitive landscapes to identify opportunities and challenges. This data-driven approach informs the development of a brand strategy that aligns with the startup's goals.

Strategy Development

Once insights are gathered, consultants help startups formulate a strategic plan that outlines the brand's vision, mission, and objectives. This strategy serves as a roadmap for building brand awareness and fostering customer loyalty.

Brand Identity - Brand Story

A compelling brand story is essential for connecting with customers at an emotional level. Brand consultants assist startups in crafting a narrative that reflects their values, mission, and unique selling points. This story becomes the backbone of all branding efforts, guiding visual identity, messaging, and customer interactions.

Messaging and Positioning

Effective messaging is crucial for differentiating a startup in a crowded market. Consultants help create clear, concise messaging that communicates the brand's value proposition and resonates with the target audience. Positioning strategies ensure that the brand occupies a distinct place in the minds of consumers, making it memorable and relevant.

Brand consulting in tech startups

Brand consulting in tech startups differs from traditional brand consulting in several ways:

  1. Rapid growth and change: Tech startups often experience fast-paced evolution, requiring a brand strategy that can adapt quickly.
  2. Competitive market: The tech industry is highly competitive, making differentiation crucial.
  3. Need for differentiation: With many startups offering similar products or services, a strong brand can set a company apart. Tech startups must maintain their innovative edge while also establishing a recognisable brand.
  4. Balancing Creativity and Innovation: Tech startups thrive on creativity and innovation, yet these elements must be harmonised with effective brand building. Brand consultants guide startups in integrating their innovative ideas into their branding strategies without losing sight of their core identity. 

Benefits of Brand Consulting for Tech Startups

  1. Clarifying brand purpose and vision: Brand consulting helps startups articulate their unique value proposition and long-term goals.
  2. Differentiating from competitors: In a crowded market, a strong brand can help a startup stand out.
  3. Attracting investors and talent: A well-defined brand can make a startup more appealing to potential investors and high-quality job candidates.
  4. Building customer trust and loyalty: A strong brand can foster trust and credibility with potential customers.
  5. Scaling brand alongside product development: Brand consulting can help ensure that a startup's brand grows and evolves in tandem with its product offerings.

III. When Does Your Tech Startup Need Brand Consulting?

1. Early-stage considerations 

In the early stages of a tech startup, brand consulting can be crucial for establishing a strong foundation. This is when you're defining your company's identity, values, and vision. A brand consultant can help you:

  • Develop a unique brand identity that differentiates you from competitors
  • Create a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience
  • Establish brand guidelines to ensure consistency across all touchpoints
  • Align your brand with your product vision and company culture
  • Position your brand effectively in the market from the outset

When Chara, a sustainable motor technology startup, reached out to CoreVoice in 2023, they were at a critical juncture. 


CoreVoice's brand consulting helped Chara refine its narrative, develop a compelling visual identity, and effectively communicate its complex technology to non-technical audiences. This case demonstrates how early-stage brand consulting can be transformative for tech startups, helping them articulate their vision and stand out in a competitive market.

2. Growth stage opportunities 

As your startup begins to scale, brand consulting can help you maintain consistency and leverage your brand for continued growth. During this stage, a consultant can assist with:

  • Evolving your brand strategy to accommodate new products or markets
  • Ensuring your brand remains relevant as you expand your customer base
  • Developing strategies to increase brand awareness and market share
  • Creating a strong employer brand to attract top talent
  • Aligning your growing team around a cohesive brand vision

As BharatAgri transitioned to a growth stage, brand consulting from Corevoice helped evolve its strategy, maintain brand relevance, and align the team, driving a 5X revenue surge. Strategic partnerships can be invaluable for tech startups scaling their business and brand.

3. Rebranding or pivoting scenarios

If a startup is changing direction or refocusing its offerings, brand consulting can help realign the company's image with its new goals.

4. Preparing for funding rounds or expansion

Brand consulting can be a strategic asset when preparing for significant business milestones. A strong brand can make your startup more attractive to investors and partners.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

  1. Cost vs. benefit analysis: Startups must carefully weigh the costs of brand consulting against potential benefits, especially given limited resources.
  2. Time investment required: Brand work requires time and attention from leadership, which could potentially detract from product development or other core activities.
  3. Balancing brand focus with product development: As Misra suggests, there's often a "temptation to think that people will just look at the price and specifications and it's done." Startups must find a balance between focusing on their product and developing their brand.
  4. Ensuring alignment with startup culture and values: Any brand consulting work should authentically reflect the startup's core values and culture.

DIY Branding vs. Professional Consulting

  1. When to consider DIY approaches 

For startups and small businesses with limited budgets, a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to branding can be a cost-effective solution. This hands-on method allows entrepreneurs to take control of the branding process, infusing their unique vision and personality into the brand's identity. DIY branding can be particularly advantageous for businesses with a clear understanding of their target audience, a strong grasp of design principles, and the time and patience to experiment with various branding elements. By leveraging online tools, tutorials, and templates, small business owners can create a professional-looking brand without the hefty price tag of professional consultants.

  1. Benefits of professional brand consulting

While the DIY route offers cost savings, there are significant advantages to enlisting the expertise of a professional brand consulting firm. These experienced professionals bring a wealth of industry knowledge, strategic thinking, and design expertise to the table. They can help businesses gain a deeper understanding of their target market, develop a cohesive brand identity that resonates with the audience, and create a comprehensive branding strategy that encompasses visual elements, messaging, and marketing initiatives. Professional consultants can also provide valuable insights into industry trends, competitive analysis, and emerging best practices, ensuring the brand remains relevant and stands out in a crowded marketplace.

  1. Hybrid approaches for resource-constrained startups

For startups and small businesses with limited resources, a hybrid approach that combines DIY efforts and professional consulting can be a strategic solution. This approach allows entrepreneurs to leverage the cost-effectiveness of DIY branding while tapping into the expertise and guidance of brand professionals. Startups may opt to handle the initial brand research, concept development, and content creation in-house, while outsourcing the design, implementation, and ongoing brand management to a professional consulting firm. This hybrid model can help resource-constrained businesses achieve a polished, cohesive brand identity without breaking the bank.

By carefully weighing the pros and cons of DIY branding and professional consulting, entrepreneurs can make an informed decision that aligns with their business goals, budget, and available resources. Striking the right balance between these two approaches can be the key to building a strong, impactful brand that resonates with the target audience and propels the business forward.

IV. How to Choose the Right Brand Consultant for Your Tech Startup

  1. Experience in the tech sector 

When selecting a brand consultant for your tech startup, prioritise candidates with a proven track record in the technology industry. Examine their portfolio carefully, looking for examples of work with companies or products similar to yours. A consultant who is well-versed in the rapidly evolving tech landscape will be better equipped to position your brand effectively and create strategies that resonate with your target audience.

  1. Understanding of startup dynamics 

Your ideal consultant is more than a branding expert—they're a startup sage. They understand the delicate alchemy of limited resources and limitless ambition. They thrive in the organised chaos of pivot-prone environments, turning quick changes into golden opportunities. Look for someone who can sprint alongside your team, matching your pace stride for stride.

In the age of analytics, gut feelings aren't enough. Your ideal consultant is part artist, part scientist—someone who can transmute raw data into branding gold. They should wield market research like a paintbrush, creating strategies that are as beautiful as they are effective. Look for a partner who can prove their worth not just in colorful presentations, but in black-and-white ROI.

  1. Alignment with your vision and values 

The right consultant is a kindred spirit, someone who doesn't just understand your vision but feels it in their bones. They should be able to take the nebulous dream that keeps you up at night and crystallise it into a brand that makes others lose sleep with excitement. Their values should harmonise with yours, creating a symphony of purpose that resonates through every aspect of your brand. 

  1. Flexibility and scalability of services: The Shape-Shifter

In the world of startups, change is the only constant. Your consultant should be a chameleon, able to adapt their services as swiftly as you pivot your product. Today, they might be crafting your logo; tomorrow, they could be reshaping your entire market strategy. Choose a partner whose services can flex and grow with you, from your first pitch deck to your IPO celebration.

Finally, let the results speak for themselves. A truly exceptional consultant comes with a chorus of satisfied clients singing their praises. Dive deep into their case studies, reach out to their past collaborators, and listen for the success stories that could soon be your own.

In the end, choosing a brand consultant is about finding a partner who can take the unique essence of your tech startup and amplify it to the world. It's about finding someone who can look at your code and see poetry, who can translate your algorithms into allure.

V. Conclusion

From establishing a strong brand identity and building trust to attracting investors and scaling alongside product development, brand consulting is not just a necessity, it is the entire bread and butter of your startup. As a founder, it's crucial to assess your startup's unique branding needs and consider how professional brand consulting can contribute to your growth strategy. Whether you're in the early stages of defining your identity or preparing for expansion, investing in your brand can set you apart from competitors and drive sustainable growth. By carefully selecting a consultant with tech sector expertise and startup experience, you can transform your innovative ideas into a compelling brand story that resonates with your audience. Don't let your amazing tech get drowned out by the competition – use the power of strategic branding to propel your tech startup to new heights.

In a sales cycle, a better brand value helps build trust and credibility, moves your sale a little faster, and allows for better pricing.
Amrutash Misra
Co-founder, CoreVoice
When we started as a startup, all we had was the story. And the early story we had was very messed up.
Bhakta Keshwachar
Founder & CEO, Chara